郭非凡 简历 - 名人简历




Du Y, Meng Q, Zhang Q, Guo F*. Isoleucine or valine deprivation stimulates fat loss via increasing energy expenditure and regulating lipid metabolism in WAT.Amino Acids. 2011 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print]

Cheng Y#, Zhang Q# (co-author), Meng Q, Xia T, Huang Z, Wang C, Liu B, Chen S, Xiao F, Du Y, and Guo F*. Leucine Deprivation Stimulates Fat Loss via Increasing CRH Expression in The Hypothalamus and Activating The Sympathetic Nervous System.Molecular Endocrinology. 2011, 25(9):1624-1635.

Li H, Meng Q, Xiao F, Chen S, Yu J, Wang C, and Guo F*. ATF4 deficiency protects mice from high-carbohydrate diet-induced liver steatosis.Biochemical Journal. 2011, 438(2):283-289.

Xiao F, Huang Z, Li H, Yu J, Wang C, Chen S, Meng Q, Cheng Y, Gao X, Li J, Liu Y, and Guo F*. Leucine Deprivation Increases Hepatic Insulin Sensitivity Via GCN2/mTOR/S6K1 and AMPK Pathways.Diabetes. 2011, 60: 746-756.

郭非凡 简历 - 名人简历(图1)

Zhang Q, Li H and Guo F*. Amygdala, an important regulator for food intake (Invited Review).Frontiers in Biology. 2011, 6: 82-85.

Cheng Y#, Meng Q# (co-author), Wang C, Li H, Huang Z, Chen S, Xiao F, Guo F*. Leucine deprivation decreases fat mass by stimulation of lipolysis in WAT and upregulation of UCP1 in BAT.Diabetes. 2010, 59: 17-25.

Wang C, Huang Z, Du Y, Cheng Y, Chen S and Guo F*. ATF4 regulates lipid metabolism and thermogenesis.Cell Research. 2010, 20:174-184.

Guo F, Cavener D. The GCN2 eIF2α Kinase Regulates Fatty-Acid Homeostasis in the Liver during Deprivation of an Essential Amino Acid.Cell Metabolism. 2007, 5:103-114.

Ebihara T, Guo F, Zhang L, Kim JY, Saffen D. Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors stimulate Ca2+ influx in PC12D cells predominantly via activation of Ca2+ store-operated channels.The Journal of Biochemistry. 2006, 139: 449-458.

Zhang L, Guo F, Kim J, Saffen D. Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activate TRPC6 Channels in PC12D Cells via Ca2+ Storeu2013Independent Mechanisms.The Journal of Biochemistry. 2006, 139: 459-470.

吕子全,郭非凡*. 氨基酸感应与糖脂代谢调控的研究进展.生命科学. 2013, 25: 152-157.

吕子全,郭非凡*. 内源性代谢分子——亮氨酸调节机体生理功能.生理科学进展. 2012, 43: 337-340.


