深圳市鼎盛精密工业有限公司ShenzhenDingsheng Precision Industry Co., Ltd.

深圳市鼎盛精密工业有限公司座落于深圳市宝安区福海街道福园一路万利达工业园,毗邻深圳市宝安国际机场,距广深沿江高速和107国道仅十分钟车程,五分钟车程的福永码头可直接至香港,交通便利,地理位置优越。 公司拥有数幢现代化厂房和员工宿舍,建筑面积达五万平方米,总投资达1.2亿人民币。

深圳市鼎盛精密工业有限公司ShenzhenDingsheng Precision Industry Co., Ltd.(图1)  

    深圳市鼎盛精密工业有限公司实力雄厚,模房引进了当今世界先进的模具加工制造设备,例如德国DMG、RODERS CNC高速机,日本法兰克CNC,瑞士AGIE、夏米尔火花机,日本SODICK慢走丝等先进设备, 年出产各类精密模具达1200套以上;生产能力足够,现有配置机械手的全自动德玛格、海天等品牌注塑机100多台,全自动日本川口无尘喷涂线多条,日产量可以达到30万pcs;品质保障体系完备,公司于2003年底通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,2008年10月份通过ISO14001:2004环境管理体系和QC080000:2005有害物质过程管理体系认证,并配置了先进的检测设备,如ROHS检测仪、高低温试验箱、三次元、投影仪、色差仪、光泽计,涂层膜厚计,RCA测试仪等,为优良的品质提供了保障;高素质的客服中心和由10台货车、商务车组成的车队为客户提供优良的服务。公司采购政策:不使用刚果及周边冲突地区矿物。公司与全国几十家知名企业如TCL丶龙旗丶希姆通、斐讯、飞毛腿等建立了长期友好的业务合作关系,产品质量与服务深得广大客户及业界同仁的信任和赞誉。

ShenzhenDingsheng Precision Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Wanlida IndustrialPark, Fuyuan 1st Road, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen. It isadjacent to Shenzhen Baoan International Airport, only 10 minutes drivefrom Guangshen Yanjiang Expressway and 107 National Highway. FuyongWharf can be a five-minute drive. Directly to Hong Kong, the transportation is convenient and the geographical position is superior. Thecompany has several modern factories and staff quarters with aconstruction area of 50,000 square meters and a total investment of120 million yuan.
ShenzhenDingsheng Precision Industry Co., Ltd. is strong in strength, and themodel room has introduced the world's advanced mold processing andmanufacturing equipment, such as German DMG, RODERS CNC high-speedmachine, Japan Frank CNC, Swiss AGIE, Xia Mil spark machine, JapanSODICK slow wire, etc. Advancedequipment, annual production of various types of precision molds up to1200 sets; production capacity is sufficient, the existing configurationof robots fully automatic Demag, Haitian and other brand injectionmolding machine more than 100, fully automatic Japan Kawaguchi dust-freespraying line, Japan Theoutput can reach 300,000 pcs; the quality assurance system is complete.The company passed the ISO9001:2000 quality management systemcertification at the end of 2003, and passed the ISO14001:2004environmental management system and QC080000:2005 hazardous substanceprocess management system certification in October 2008, and configured.Advancedtesting equipment, such as ROHS detector, high and low temperature testchamber, three yuan, projector, color difference meter, gloss meter,coating film thickness meter, RCA tester, etc., provide guarantee forexcellent quality; high quality customer service The center and a fleet of 10 trucks and commercial vehicles provide excellent service to customers. Company procurement policy: Do not use minerals in the Congo and surrounding conflict areas. Thecompany has established long-term friendly business cooperation withdozens of well-known enterprises in the country such as TCL,Longqi,Ximtong, Feixun, and Scud.The quality and service of the products are well received. Trust and praise from customers and industry colleagues.

Contact:Zhenzhong Ou



Address: No. 49, Wanlida Industrial Park, Fuyuan 1st Road, Fuhai Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen
