徐州开达精细化工有限公司Xuzhou Kedah Fine Chemicals Ltd.

徐州开达精细化工有限公司Xuzhou Kedah Fine Chemicals Ltd.


Jishuiba, Southern , Xuzhou 221009, P. R. China

邮编/P C221009





徐州开达精细化工有限公司是国内规模最大、品种最全的蒽醌型还原染料生产基地,也是军工染料的定点生产厂家,高新技术企业,中国染协副理事长单位。公司具有50余年还原染料生产历史,所产还原染料品种50余个,生产能力超过8000/年,注册商标四菱牌为江苏省著名商标,四菱牌系列还原染料为江苏省名牌产品。公司为 “中国自主创新行业能力十强单位,江苏省企业技术中心,通过了ISO9001ISO14001GB/T28001标准认证,拥有发明专利7项,参与多项还原染料国家/行业标准的制修订。公司主导产品:环保低重金属E型产品在国内外市场上享有良好声誉。其中还原橄榄T5个产品被江苏省认定为高新技术产品和国家重点新产品,微纳米染料制备工艺在第六届国际发明展览会上荣获铜奖。

徐州开达精细化工有限公司Xuzhou Kedah Fine Chemicals Ltd.(图1)

Xuzhou Kedah Fine Chemicals Limited (formerly Jiangsu Tetradiamond Dyestuffs Group Company) has an annual production capacity of over 8,000MT of more than 50 colors. As one of China's major producers of anthraquinone vat dyes and one of the appointed producers of military dyes, Kedah has been specializing in vat dyes of over 50 years, ranks the 240th among "The 500 Biggest Chemistry Industries in China" and has been ISO9001ISO14001, and GB/T28001(OHSAS) certified.With its brand "Tetradiamond" as one of the famous brands in Jiangsu Province, and 7 patents for invention in possession, Kedah's environmentally more accepted products – the low-heavy-metals vat dyes are regarded as high-tech products by Jiangsu Province and state-level key new products and are well received in domestic and overseas markets. Listed in the Top Ten of Industrial Independent Innovation and the Enterprise Tech-centers of Jiangsu Province, Kedah participated in the establishment and amendment of the national and industrial standards of 12 vat colors, such as Vat Blue RSN, and its micro-nano process was awarded the third prize at the 6th International Exhibition of Inventions.
