中国国际体育用品博览会China Sporting Goods Federation

        中国国际体育用品博览会(以下简称“中国体博会”)(China Sport Show)是由中国体育用品业联合会、中体联(海南)体育科技产业发展有限公司主办,中体联(海南)体育科技产业发展有限公司承办,中国唯一的国家级、国际化、专业化的体育用品展会,是亚太区域规模最大、最权威的体育用品盛会,是全球体育品牌进入中国市场的捷径,中国体育品牌向世界展示实力的重要窗口。在体博会的平台上汇集了体育用品、体育营销资源、体育文化与科技的综合性体育产业,是体育用品企业品牌推广和渠道拓展的助推器和传播崭新体育文化理念的重要渠道。


中国国际体育用品博览会China Sporting Goods Federation(图1)

First held in 1993, and as the biggest and most authoritative sporting goods show in Asia Pacific region, China Sport Show is an important platform for industry resources and information exchange.

China Sport Show 2023 was held in Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center and set up three thematic exhibition areas, named Fitness, Sports venue & Construction Zone, Sports consuming & services Zone respectively.

With 0ver 1,500 exhibitors and a total exhibition scale of 150,000 square meters, the four-day exhibition attracted more than 100,000 visitors.

More than 30 concurrent events were held including China Sports Industry Summit, subdivision industry exchanges, standards seminars, business communications, local sports industry promotion meetings and various innovative activities, with wonderful contents and enthusiastic responses.

More than 20 central and local mainstream media and new media, such as People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, China Sports News, etc., were present to cover the event, each with its own focus.

China Sport Show 2024 will be held on May 23-26 in Western China International Expo City. The exhibition scale is expected to surpass that of 2023.

Address: Tower A, Building No. 17, Fahuananli, Tiyuguan Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China

Fax: +86-10-87183075


Ms. LOU Danping (Overseas)

Tel:+86-10-87108881 ext 435


