西安凌安电脑有限公司Xi'an LingAn Computer Co.,Ltd.


西安凌安电脑有限公司Xian LingAn Computer Co.,Ltd.(图1)

Registered Date:May 27th,1997

Registered Capital:USD 750,000

Enterprise Property: Limited Liability Company(Foreign joint venture)

Industry Category:Information transmission,Software and Information technology


Outsourcing Type:ITO

Number of Employees:180

Main Market:China,Taiwan,Japan,U.S.A.


Established in September of 1997,Xi'An LingAn Computer Co.is a subsidiary of Taiwan SYSCOM Computer Engineering Co.,a high-tech computer software company with a total investment of $1.07 million and a registered capital of $750,00,primarily focusing on software development and outsourcing services.It is located at Building No.4,Huoju Rd,East Development Zone,Xi'an.

With software engineers more than 180, the company provides services across a variety of areas,ranging from finance to securities, healthcare, electronic commerce, communications, embedded system, information management,etc.,and has a solid clientele base in China,Taiwan,Japan,Vietnam and the United States.

Basing on the SYSCOM's rich experience in software development andprofessional knowledge of securities,healthcare and other industries,backed by theexcellent talents and technical strength in northwest China,and adopting theinternational advanced management method,Xi'An LingAn Computer Co.hassuccessfully completed dozens of domestic and foreign large-scale softwaredevelopment projects,and participated in software development projects undertaken by Taiwan Corporation,receiving great praise.

Since 2000,Xi'An LingAn Computer Co.has been undertaking Japanese software outsourcing projects, and accepting the training and testing of Japanese"Softwareproject development specification".Technical personnel are dispatched to Japan all the year round to participate in the system integration testing and acceptation testing,and complete those tasks on schedule successfully,which proves that LingAn's capabilities of "Software development quality"and"project management"have obtainedinternational recognition.Motivated by exceptional product quality and project management,LingAn became a certified CMMI level-3 in 2005 to distinguish itself asone of the finest software development and outsourcing companies in China.

  • 公司地址:西安市火炬路4号楼3层B座
